Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Carly Jensen- Last Response

             Listening to the presentations today in class I was struck by each topic and felt that the papers were a perfect reflection of the class and the topics we covered this past semester.  The course gave a view into how gender and sex are portrayed in society. I feel that all of the papers connect to this theme as well as exemplify just how broad this topic is. I was especially intrigued by Blair’s presentation regarding the glamorization of violence in the media. I agree that song lyrics, music videos, and television place violence, epically domestic abuse, into a positive or glamorized light. I felt that the connections she made regarding how such imagery distorts society’s of femininity was especially interesting. Her presentation accurately makes connection to the subjects we covered throughout the entire course.  Ellie’s presentation is another example of how the entire course can be related to one topic. She was able to connect sexuality and homophobia to the social construction of masculinity. I felt that she explored a topic that is typically ignored, because homophobia is a controversial topic. I epically found her point regarding homophobia being seen as deviant male behavior, leading to more males being homophobic then women interesting. Ultimately I think that it is the desire to define oneself in opposition to another that is most harmful and prevalent in society. This point can be connected to the fact that masculinity is defined as anything not feminine, and in this case being homosexual. Over all I was impressed and intrigued by everyone’s presentations and papers.
            Reflecting back on this semester and the topics we covered I realized the depth and quality of the course materials. Despite being at times uncomfortable or depressed by the articles we read or the movies we watched I feel that this course was a perfect reflection of sex, gender, and society. Prior to taking this course I expected it to be one-sided and only discuss the stereotypes and inequality that women are subjected to. However I felt that our discussions regarding masculinity in both society and the media was the most interesting and thought provoking. I had a limited understanding of the ways in which gender is presented and taught, I had never once questioned the idea that girls wear pink and dresses. Personally I found the section on media most interesting. I now am now conscious while watching television or movies, I find myself analyzing different commercials and television programs. I find myself criticizing the advertising and plotlines and how they “teach” gender.  Finally I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work independently on a research paper. In doing this I was able to further research gender in the media, especially television. While researching my topic I discovered the different ways in which gender is presented on screen. I also began to rethink many characters that I myself had previously watched on screen and now can critically discuss and analyze the images they present. Ultimately I think that course was able to teach me the tools to look at society in a differently and reevaluate my prior conceptions of gender and how it is presented and constructed through society. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Carly I was also struck by Ellie's presentation. It was very interesting to see how she connected sexuality and homophobia to the construction of masculinity. I am in the same boat as you with watching TV and finding myself analyzing what ever is on. After reading and discussing so many social constructs in class, it is hard to ignore them when they are presented in reality. The media section is also what caught my eye the most. I feel that media is one of the most relevant topics in our life and it was easily relatable.


  3. Like Carly, I also found the section on media particularly interesting. Different forms of media play such a large role in our day to day lives, but it can often be easy to overlook the messages that we are getting from the media we consume. After becoming a more critical consumer of the media around me, I've been shocked at the things I've noticed that I never noticed before. Even with television shows that I watched for years before, I'm just now starting to notice things that I probably never would have noticed before. I've also started paying more attention to advertisements on television and in magazines. As I mentioned in another comment, I've also started to look more at how men's bodies are objectified in the media, which is something that I largely overlooked before.
