Friday, May 11, 2012

Keith Veronesi Final Post

After listening to the 2-3 min presentations that everyone performed on wed. I was able to walk away from class with a better understanding of a lot new topics. For example the 2% that sportscenter attributes to women's sports. However, as everyone's topic was interesting, what I found to be the most interesting was that in one way or another everyone's topics reflected them in a way. For me, being an athlete, I do not think that it is fair that these gay athletes, which obviously there are, are forced to stay in the closet in fear of violence and many other things. But I feel that most people choose their topic because it is a problem close to them. We were given the opportunity to research one thing, anything, and it is really interesting to see what each student picked as their research project.

As for class this year, I think I walk away with a much greater prospective of race and gender and how it is portrayed in our society. I am much more conscious of the way I think. I am going to be honest, at the beginning of the semester I was not sure if I would like this class or not. First, the dynamic of the class was not favoring, as males were greatly outnumbered by females. However, with that being said, the input that the girls of the class had really benefited me because I am always around my roomates who are guys and I really only get the guy perception of things, so having a women's prospective was very good. One thing I am pretty sure will stick with me for a long time is the section on vagina mutilation and plastic surgery. I never even thought of a surgery in which women would feel that they needed to fix their vagina to feel like they are more beautiful. At the same time, I also never thought about how many guys get plastic surgery. I have always associated plastic surgery with women, but clearly that is not the case. I think my favorite part of the class was digging into the idea of masculinity and how males feel that they need to appease other males, not necessarily their female counterparts. It is so true when I think about it as I am always in competition with my friends.

Lastly, I am excited to keep learning about sociology and the sociological ideas that arise in our society. Thanks for a great class!


  1. Keith,

    I agree with you when you talk about the value of the girl's perspective in class this semester. Living in a ridge with 5 other guys and playing on the lacrosse team, you can imagine which perspectives and attitudes I'm accustomed to. It really meant a lot to hear the perspective from other students (females especially) in the class. I too was also alarmed by the fact that men get plastic surgery frequently. I enjoyed your insight this spring, and wish you the best in your sociological endeavors.

    John Gallagher

  2. Emily Hunter-I too was shocked by the readings regarding plastic surgery on the vagina. It is astonishing that women feel they must perfect every aspect of beauty, even in areas that aren't seen by people on a daily basis. I also enjoyed learning about masculinity. I believe a number of problems that women face stem from the dynamics of masculinity. As you enjoyed the female input, I feel you and John were able to add an interesting male perspective (Especially when in came time to discuss male locker room rituals). The male input in the class helped me to understand that rigidity of masculinity and how it relates to femininity.

  3. To both John and Keith, I equally enjoyed the male perspective you guys brought to the course. Too often guys get scared away from these courses or drowned out by the female majority so having you guys and your perspective on things in the class was really, really awesome! You both brought so much to the class and I wanted to thank you for that!
