Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jae's Beer Commercial's Post

Beer and alcohol advertising construct a “desirable lifestyle” in relation to contemporary social conditions, including shifts and tensions in the broader gender order” (Messner, Montez de Oca, pg.2). Beer and alcohol are gender towards males. Evidence of this is when we see a beer commercial during sports events such as the super bowl. Therefore posing that beer and alcohol is just another way to prove a males homosexuality. Further more beer has become more and more for the “working-class male”. Women are virtually non existent in these ads unless they are a “prop” or serving the drink. It is interesting how closely related beer and sports are. It is as if beer and sports cannot be separated. Both seem to promote how society views masculinity should be. In the years beer and alcohol has become more about leisure just for fun and less about work. Today many individuals drink for the fun of drinking especially around friends. Being in college I do see however many students say that after a long week of classes all they want to do is drink and most are male.

Beer ads have become sexualized. If you look at beer ads today you will see sexy women, a group of men, a beer, and some kind of sexy fantasy setting. The essay says that there are four themes: losers, buddies, hotties, and bitches. Beer and alcohol unlike women are always there for men. Alcohol also opens the for psychical intimacy with a woman for men. The beverages allow men to loosen up and be more impulsive then they normally would be sober. Further more the men never seem to stick to one woman therefore avoiding commitment to one woman. However in some cases all a group of men needs is their beer or alcohol to have a good time without any women. Especially in sports events such as the super bowl it will usually be “the boys, a six pack, and a big flat screen T.V.”.

The most interesting thing about beer commercials to me is the role of women as the girl that a guy cannot get without consumption of beer. Women are depicted as harsh and scary creatures that bring down a man's confidence. It is mainly the buddies of the gut trying to get that girl that say have a beer and go get her. Hinting that drinking beer can raise the confidence of a man enough to go get the girl. I remember being at a party with a friend of mine. My friend wanted to talk to this guy but she was to shy so she took a shot and decided she was ready to go talk to him. Beer and alcohol is seen as a confidence booster and even more than time a good time maker. My friends back home can never have a good time without drinking and almost never do.


  1. Jae, I really enjoyed your response, the most interesting part that you highlight is how beer and alcohol advertizing “construct a desirable lifestyle”. This is so interesting to me because if we look at the content in these commercials we see the themes of losers, buddies, hotties, and bitches. Why is this lifestyle so desirable? In the article there was an example of the commercial “Yoga Voyeurs”. In this ad the two “loser” guys attend a yoga class with all women. In the end the men are shown outside alone drinking their beers when one of the women throws their prosthetic legs at them. They joke and make light of the situation highlighting that the women don’t really matter because in the end, they still have their bro’s and their beers. This just reinforces the fact that women are sexual objects and at the end of the day, nothing is better than having a beer with the bros.

  2. Ry Hormel Comment:

    Jae your post really captured the main factors of beer and alcohol and how it is portrayed in our society. I am sure we can all agree that alcohol has a big affect on our lives being at college, whether one drinks or not. Every weekend we see these effects it has on people and how it is used to make a gathering more fun and give people more confidence. The effect that beer commercials have on men is huge. Like you said Jae, the most common example of beer with men is “the boys, a six pack, and a big flat screen T.V” watching sports. Is this completely a construct of the beer commercials? Or is this something that men actually truly enjoy? I would argue that the reason men are so caught up into the drinking aspect of socializing is due to these beer commercials. During the super bowl, or even most football games, people but primarily men are going to buy and drink bud light because that is the official beer of the NFL. I thought to myself, why wouldn’t they want to buy a nicer beer to watch the game? Then I realized that with another beer, that picture perfect moment that is portrayed in commercials of you and your buddies going crazy over a big play while holding a bud light in your hand will not be there. It really is crazy to think how much of an effect these commercials have on the way many men live there lives. What would happen if beer commercials were banned from TV?

  3. Jae, I really enjoyed reading this post especially the post you bring up towards the end with the anecdote about your friend. In fact, when I read it I though of a scene from the movie Superbad and which the two main characters are talking about how girls are going to get drunk at the big party and how that would be their chance to be the "mistake". That movie brings up a lot of different problems but that scene in particular shows us how beer/alcohol and sex are so related. I think that's why it's such a big commercial tactic when advertising beer/alcohol. That's why we see "sexy' girls in bikinis surround by these cans of ice cold beers. Beer is so suppose to be a man's drink and in their eyes there nothing else a man should want then a hot girl standing around in a bikini. THe message that they're sending out here is that you need the beer to get that girl.

  4. John Gallagher
    Jae, I was wondering the same thing when you mentioned in your first paragraph if beer and sports could be separated. When you look at the sports that encourage and have the connection with beer commercials, they are the most aggressive and masculine ones. Football and ice-hockey are the two most aggressive sports in American society today, and both are sponsored by a number of alcoholic drinks. They have to be the leader. (baseball and basketball a close second) Anyway, nice response, I enjoyed reading your perception of the article.
