Friday, March 9, 2012

Jae's Post on Miss Representation

It was interesting to see how the media influences women.The media “teaches women or rather tells women how to use their bodies, how to look, and how to act. Young women see music videos and how the women in them are portrayed and then you have various magazines showing women bodies. Further more those bodies are skinny and “sexy”. The media creates the image of how women are suppose to be and then girls and later on young women try to make themselves into that image and it is very stressful. Women have to be beautiful and skinny and everything that they see all around them in order to in a sense fit into society.

It was also interesting to see the message of how women are not equal to men. It always interest me some women and men think they are equal to each other because they can both vote and work in the same companies. However we see that they are still not paid as much as men even in the same positions as them. Women are inferior to men in societies eyes. Most individuals would think that in this society pressure is put on men but in reality it is on women because men are expected to succeed and born with “privilege” that women are not.

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