Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tough Guise Response - John Gallagher

Tough Guise Response - John Gallagher

The documentary Tough Guise provided a very interesting and somewhat upsetting outlook on males in society.  It stressed how males must show their “manhood” by proving they are tough, strong, physical, and independent.  The documentary raised the point of the media’s role of how men are portrayed.  Clips from sporting events, movies, and TV were shown that all depicted men in this “tough” light.  It was interesting to look at these famous actors and athletes from an unusual point of view for me. 

The film also presented many appalling statistics about males and violence in society.  95 percent of road rage cases were caused by men, and over 85% of people who commit murder are men.  For the small percentage of women that commit murder, most of the time it is in defense from males.  When women are accused of murder, much more of a deal is made of it due to the rarity and perception of women in the world we live in.  It becomes that much more visible. This really makes you think about the male gender as a whole and how icons such as movie stars and pro wrestlers can be such important factors.

Another interesting component that I took from the video was the media comparison from over the years.  It is true that over time, these “manly icons” in films and sports have gotten increasingly bigger and stronger looking each decade dating back to the 1960s. Also, weapons in movies have become bigger and more complex and are used in more aggressive ways.  As for women, the difference between a Marylin Monroe and models such as Tyra Banks is immense.  These changes have had a significant impact on our society, and the film Tough Guise really helped put it all in perspective for me. 

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